Sunday, April 20, 2008


If you are anything like me, you love watching any show that deals with the supernatural. While MEDIUM isn't the best acted show, nor does it appear to be very realistic, even though it is based on a real-life person, it still contains some of the main ingredients necessary for any good ghost story. Each week suburban housewife and mother, Allison Dubois, embarks on a journey to find a killer, based on whatever nagging nightmares are plaquing her at the time. But, Allison isn't the only member of the family pocessed with the gift to foretell the future. During the end of last season, we saw her two oldest daughters dabbling in the afterlife as well.

Here's the premise; Allison, who was interning at the DA's office while attending law school, gave her boss a little extra help by giving him the inside information she got from her dreams. But Allison doesn't just get messages sent to her by the dearly departed while asleep, sometimes they actually appear to her during her waking hours as well. So what we get is a partnership between the dead, the medium and law enforcement to catch the killer of the week. With all the cards stacked in their favor, you have to wonder how some of the bad guys get away. Actually, on this show they rarely do, but it's how it all works out that makes the show.

The one thing that bothers me about this show is the fact that even though Allison is proven right time after time, the people she works with still have to question her about every peice of information she gives them. I suppose there wouldn't be much of a show without that conflict though, so I'm willing to deal with it. While MEDIUM is no SIXTH SENSE, it does feed my need to know even just a little bit about the afterlife, so if you are anything like me, this show is a must see

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