Sunday, March 23, 2008


LOST is the show I love to hate, or rather, the show I hate to love. While it keeps me on the edge of my seat with its contant surprises, it fails to answer even what seems to be the most inconsequential questions. Yes, it's true that a show that can keep you guessing keeps you coming back for more, but there has to be some payoff for its loyal fans. My fear is that while we are all sitting around waiting for the finale of the show to give us the satisfaction we've all been waiting for, it will turn out to be another X FILES. For any of you have were fans of that venerable show, I don't have to tell you how frustrating it was to watch a finale that left us asking even more questions than when it started. That being said, I can't seem to get myself to stop watching.

So far this season we have found out that six of the castaways make it back to the mainland, and to their credit, the show even told us which six it would be. But as always, those answers only led to more questions. For example; Kate has ended up with custody of baby Aaron, so what happened to his mother? Sun gives birth to a healthy baby girl, but apparently Jin has died. Then there's the mystery of Michael, who we all thought was happily living out his life with his son back on the mainland, only to find out he's in cahoots with his former captor to sabatoge the mysterious vessel that brought the supposed rescueres to the island. I know, if you don't watch the show you are compeletly lost right now, but don't worry because even those of us who have watched from the beginning are baffled. Don't even get me started on what's going on back at the island.

The bottom line is this, if the writers are able to wrap everything up in a nice shiny package, as they have promised, by the time the show reaches its conclusion, than all this frustration will have been worth it. If they don't, I will never trust another Sci-Fi show again, because ultimately that's the genre I would be LOST in. That being said, the format does work, because I eagerly anticipate Thursday night every week.

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