Monday, February 25, 2008


Creative, funny, touching, heartwarming, original; these are all words that aptly describe this mid-season replacement show. Finally, a program that can capture and keep my attention, as well as my heart. This show is so good in fact that I have to ask myself why it wasn't put on in the beginning of the season. In the past, mid-season replacements were the shows that the networks didn't have a lot of faith in, and they were used to occupy our time while the real shows went on hiatus for the holidays. I'm not sure if that's how they still go about it, but if so, they really missed the mark on this one.

Not only is ELI STONE far better than any other show that has recently been put on air, it's better than most of the new shows that debuted to big hype in the beginning of the season. If you've heard about this show and were turned off because of the heavily promoted George Michael angle, don't worry, thus far George has only made an appearance in the premier episode. If you are a George Michael fan, there is at least one more episode that high-lites him. Whichever side you fall on, this show is about much more than the 80s pop icon.

The premise of the show is as follows; ELI STONE suddenly starts having hallucinations, which he comes to find out is what his wayward father suffered through during Eli's childhood. So, as if hallucinations weren't enough, Eli has to contend with the guilt he's suffering over the hostility and anger he's felt toward his late father most of his life. If it all sounds too heavy for you, there are plenty of lighter moments to break up the seriouseness of the medical issue. For example; in one episode Eli believed a World War II fighter jet was chasing him down the street of San Fransisco. Than there's Eli's confidant and guide through this crazy journey, who happens to be an accupunturist who believes using a fake chinese accent will help promote his business. I could tell you more, but you really have to see it for yourself to do the show justice. If you can allow yourself to be taken on a ride that suspends your belief of reality, ELI STONE just may be for you.

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